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SMFA World Cup Group AStadium: Seoul Sang-am Stadium (66,806)Attendance: 66,029
Vincenzo Montella (COM)Ivan Jovanović (COM)
TURKEY football jersey
GREECE football jersey
Report Match Fixing

0'Kick off Kick off
7'Corner to Turkey.
KOKCU swings the ball into the box.
YILMAZ has an attempt at goal.
The ball strikes the wood work and goes over.
11'Vangelis PAVLIDIS plays a pass to KOULIERAKIS.
KOULIERAKIS has an ambitious shot.
Goal GOAL!! - BAYINDIR dives well but he can't reach it.
18'The ball rolls out for a corner to Turkey.
KOKCU crosses the ball into the box.
AKTÜRKOĞLU has an attempt at goal.
Goal GOAL!! - It's just out of the reach of VLACHODIMOS as it crosses the goal line.
29'Salih ÖZCAN passes to ÜNDER.
ÜNDER fires one towards goal.
It sails over the bar.
34'BAKASETAS passes to George BALDOCK.
BALDOCK takes the ball on and curls one towards the top corner.
BAYINDIR dives and saves with both hands.
37'Arda GÜLER plays a pass to Zeki CELIK.
CELIK spots the keeper slightly off his line and tries the chip.
The keeper is stranded as the ball sails over his head but it goes just over the bar.
41'BAKASETAS plays the ball to BOUCHALAKIS.
BOUCHALAKIS curls in a shot towards goal.
Goal GOAL!! - The keeper gets a touch but can't quite keep it out.
44'Rodrigues ZECA passes to FORTOUNIS.
FORTOUNIS gets in a shot.
BAYINDIR makes the save.
45'Half time Half time
60'YILMAZ plays the ball to SÖYÜNCÜ.
SÖYÜNCÜ strikes a dangerous shot.
Goal GOAL!! - VLACHODIMOS doesn't react in time and the ball ends up in the back of the net.
65'ÖZCAN is slightly late with a challenge on PAVLIDIS.
Yellow Card Yellow Card - The referee has no choice but to caution the player.
66'PAVLIDIS links up with BALDOCK.
BALDOCK takes the ball on and curls one towards the top corner.
BAYINDIR makes a confident save.
67'MAVROPANOS is slightly late with a challenge on YILMAZ.
Yellow Card Yellow Card - The referee has no choice but to caution the player.
90'Full time Full time